Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Kahui Ako WSL Presentation Day

What a fantastic day of sharing of learning!  I love these kind of days as it is chance to get challenged with your beliefs/ideas or get new ones. 

I have to give a huge pakipaki to the WSLs for the outstanding job they have done! I can see the work and effort they have put throughout the year!

 I attended 3 sessions - Wellbeing, Cultural Responsiveness and Assessment for Learning Inquiries. 

The biggest takeaway for me was the importance of team towards wellbeing.  It was really fascinating this correlated to students' wellbeing around friendship. This resonated with me as my wellbeing increases when I contribute to a team and we are working towards a goal. I know being excluded can be tough too. 

Assessment for Learning 
I really enjoy this one as it reminded me of the importance of rubrics. I have heard pros and cons but I can see why it will give a clearer pathway. 

The team shared a quote that resonated with me: 

Taken from Kahui Ako Slide

It reminds me a lot of the PB4L values and restorative practices. Does the environment allow the students to grow? It makes me think what our role is in creating that environment - do we create an environment where it can grow or an environment where it doesn't bloom?  The inquiry was placed in a culturally responsive context. How culturally sustainable is our environment? Do we encourage only certain types of flowers to bloom? 

Taken from Kahui Ako Slide

Which brings me to this quote. Do we see strengths or do we see flaws? Do we see that the bird can't fly?  What do we do with birds that can't fly? Do we let it go and blame the bird?

The most powerful for me is: " If an alien walked into your classroom would they know they were in New Zealand (a country based on a bicultural foundation as set up in Te Tiriti o Te Waitangi)?" 

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