Friday, 24 September 2021



I listened to a session about Coaching for Wellbeing, and it led me to a video about solutions-focus coaching (click the photo to watch a short 3-minute clip). 

The idea of coaching was introduced to us last year by our Principal.  When I first heard about it, I could see so much potential. Some of the points resonated, and I could see where this could go. 

Ultimately what do I love about it? The self-efficacy and mana-enhancing qualities it has.  It also fits in with what I blogged about a week ago. 

 "Do we create an environment where flowers can grow or an environment where it doesn't bloom?" "Do we see strengths or do we see flaws? Do we see that the bird can't fly?  What do we do with birds that can't fly? Do we let it go and blame the bird?"

I believe we enhance strengths, and we "coach" the flaws. No one is uncoachable or "irreparable". We are all humans, we make mistakes. 

This brings me back to the video and some of the points: 

  • Helps people to move on from tough situations when they are stuck
  • Not solving the problem and about building a solution. 
  • Problem-solving is the opposite of solutions-focus. 
  • Problem-solving - what's the problem, and what can we do about it? How can we fix what is broken? What is not working and needs fixing?   
  • Solutions-focus - what do you want and what is working already?  What is working, and what can we build on? 
  • Solutions focus is energy and motivation building. 
  • Works well with team building and organisational model. 

I tend to lean on problem-solving and how can we fix it. I see how solutions focus is focused on the strengths and what is working already. I can see how this can enhance energy as you are focus on the positive. 

There is still a lot to learn with the different coaching models, but I am excited to develop my coaching skills. 

I'm wondering how it can fit with Kim Scott's Radical Candor? 

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