Saturday, 26 August 2017

W6, T3: Creating music

This week we have been talking about resilience and failure. Remember F.A.I.L. stands for first attempt in learning.

We practised a lot of resilience when learning how to code our chromebooks to musical instruments and play a simple tune. We learnt that there are different tones.

Watch the video below:


  1. Hi Ms. Laxa,

    I meant to see your photo and post a blog.
    Anyway I can't find the current one but seen your picture with another staff smiling away on a camera.
    Nice to see Teachers smiling at work. :-)

    Hope to catch up with you sometime.

    Carmel (Robbie Gundy' mummy)


  2. Hi. my name is Noah and I am from Rm 13

    I like you all off your kids were focusing on their work

    When I was in your class we made music with scratch

    Want did you make the music on ?
